Page 45 - 50th Alumni Success Stories Book
P. 45

Denise Rios-Cisneros                                                         I am from a very large family. One of my parents was
                                                                                           undocumented and we often struggled financially, but
              Dental Assistant Program                                                     the way I was raised has gotten me where I am today.
              San Antonio Campus                                                           I have a successful career, I am financially stable and I
                                                                                           love my job!
              Graduated 2020
                                                                                           After graduating from high school, I didn’t really have
                                                                                           a plan. My cousin invited me to come along to check
                                                                                           out Pima Medical Institute. After touring the school
                                                                                           and realizing they had a Dental Assistant program, I
                                                                                           applied that same day and enrolled. I appreciated
                                                                                           that our instructor was an actual dentist and gave us his
                                                                                           expertise and tips on how to become a better assistant
                                                                                           and I enjoyed all the hands-on practice. One of my
                                                                                           biggest obstacles was I didn’t have transportation to
                                                                                           school, so I’d have to ask for rides or even use Uber
                                                                                           at times. But Pima Medical helped me with resources
                                                                                           and they even provided bus passes, which was really
                                                                                           helpful. My husband also provided needed support and
                                                                                           I was offered a job at the clinic where I completed my
                                                                                           externship and I was recently given a raise and promoted
                                                                                           to a new position. My mom is so happy and proud of me
                                                                                           and my new career. My dad, sadly, passed away but I
                                                                                           know he would be proud because he wanted me to get
                                                                                           an education. I have already started taking classes to
                                                                                           get my prerequisites to become a Dental Hygienist and
                                                                                           my eventual goal is to become a Dentist. I am striving to
                                                                                           become more.

                                                                                           Pima Medical provides hands-on training, flexible hours
                                                                                           and all the resources you need to be successful.

                                                                                               I have a successful career, I am

                                                                                               financially stable and I love my job!

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