Page 47 - 50th Alumni Success Stories Book
P. 47

Ding Zhang                                                                   I had some major setbacks while I was a student at Pima
                                                                                           Medical Institute. In the middle of my program we lost
              Dental Hygiene Program                                                       our condo and two cars due to flooding from Hurricane
              Houston Campus                                                               Harvey. About the only things we saved from high water
                                                                                           were my textbooks, which I’d left on a high table. My
              Graduated 2018                                                               classmates, instructors and administrators rallied around
                                                                                           and helped me during this time. In fact, they provided
                                                                                           enough money for a down payment on my car. The
                                                                                           support was amazing! Also, right before my finals I lost my
                                                                                           father to cancer. I was left emotionally drained but more
                                                                                           determined than ever to finish my program.

                                                                                           The Dental Hygiene program was a very challenging
                                                                                           and accelerated program, but a great experience!
                                                                                           Pima Medical prepares you and gives you the tools to
                                                                                           move into the real world of your occupation. I had been
                                                                                           interning at a small dental office and after graduation
                                                                                           the dentist offered me an opportunity to begin building
                                                                                           my customer base. After four months, I had worked up to
                                                                                           full time and was able to create and implement my own
                                                                                           set of procedures. While at Pima Medical, I mentored a
                                                                                           student in the class behind me and I was able to bring
                                                                                           her on at my clinic. I now have a full schedule and she is
                                                                                           building her customer base.

                                                                                               Pima Medical prepares you and

                                                                                               gives you the tools to move into the

                                                                                               real world of your occupation.

                                                                                           Although I had some major setbacks while at Pima
                                                                                           Medical, I bit my lip and soldiered on. I’m grateful for the
                                                                                           support of my instructors and others at Pima Medical.  I
                                                                                           am proud of my success and I even had a perfect score
                                                                                           on my boards!

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