Page 52 - 50th Alumni Success Stories Book
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Icela Luna I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with stage
three ovarian cancer when I was 24 years old. Going
Medical Assistant Program through that experience made me decide to go into
Radiography Program the medical field. I found Pima Medical Institute, enrolled
in their Medical Assistant (MA) program and I loved it! I
Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences Program had no problem finding a job and worked as an MA for
Tucson & Online Campuses a time before returning to Pima Medical’s Radiography
program. Once I started, I knew I had found my career.
Graduated 2001, 2004, 2012 After all, we are the eyes of the doctors and we help
diagnose patients. This is very important to me, especially
after having had cancer.
My bachelor’s degree has increased
my value. Education is important
and employers notice.
After a time working in the X-ray field, I became a PAC
(Patient Archive Communication System) administrator
caring for patients’ images and I really enjoyed it. But,
I wanted more so I enrolled in Pima Medical’s online
Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences (BSRS)
program. I had a child and was working full time so it
wasn’t easy, but they provided all the tools and resources
I needed and the instructors always seemed to be
available for help. It was a challenging program, but so
rewarding and I can honestly say, my bachelor’s degree
has increased my value. Education is important and
employers notice. My next goal is the Master of Science
in Organizational Leadership.
Having completed all three programs at Pima Medical, I
am confident that I am a highly skilled employee. Having
been a patient myself, I know that I provide REALLY
good patient care and that is important to me and the
very reason I chose the medical field. Thank you Pima
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